Ten Alternatives to Book Reports by Mary Catherine Miller

My English Ed students are always looking for ideas as alternatives to the traditional book report!

Nerdy Book Club

I teach an undergraduate young adult literature course at a large research university. Many of my students take the course as a preparation for their future careers as teachers or librarians, while others come to the course looking for a general education requirement for literature. Throughout the class, my students read ten young adult novels. As part of a “reading log” for the class, they submit a response to each book we read. During my first semester of teaching, these responses were all written in the typical book-report style with a synopsis of the text and each student’s opinion of the story. After reading around 600 “book reports” in a semester, I decided something needed to change.

The list of options for student response has grown since that first class, and I find myself constantly updating my suggestions as my students come up with new and exciting ways to respond…

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